Drawn from among 37 Boards of Distinction named earlier this month, the 2024 Boards of the Year are specially recognized within their respective size categories of small, medium, and large school districts.
This top honor recognizes a board that has shown significant vision and leadership that clearly resulted in positive and measurable student success. All three boards demonstrated creativity and resourcefulness within their board roles to support the success of their students and staff while serving their communities. Also, they significantly narrowed or closed opportunity gaps among students.
Each Board of the Year will receive a trophy and certificate honoring their achievement. Additionally, each will receive a $500 check in recognition of their achievement from Trevor Carlson and Ryan Swanson of PiperSandler, who is the WSSDA Annual Conference Boards of the Year Sponsor.
Elma School Board
Elma’s school board has demonstrated innovation and leveraged the power of community partnerships in their approach to support student learning. From increasing student autonomy to reimagining how standards can be met to partnering with early learning advocates, hospitals and local businesses, Elma has modeled excellent leadership as a school board.

Grandview School Board
Grandview’s school board has demonstrated effective student-centered school governance. Grounded in a newly developed strategic plan, the school board has anchored their actions around inclusion and an embrace of culture and difference among their student body. From remodeling playground equipment to increasing dual language program offerings, they modeled excellent leadership as a school board.

Yakima School Board
Yakima’s school board has clearly prioritized the voices and hopes of their students and families to increase opportunity and equity in their district. From creating a student voice council and policy to fostering community involvement through curriculum nights and multilingual resources and reinstating their dual-language program, Yakima has modeled excellent leadership as a school board.