There are three types of training required by the Washington Legislature for school directors, but the Office of Native Education training is required for only 39 school boards.

Read below to learn more:

Educational Equity

Educational Equity Training for school directors is required by RCW 28A.343.100: Governance training program and offered by WSSDA through the OnBoard professional learning series. Called “learning experiences” because of their interactive nature, these courses can be accessed at in-person events and virtually. Newly-elected school board members must take two 2.5-hour courses during their first two years of board service, and one course for each school board term (four years for most school boards) thereafter. They can be taken in any order, and you can select the topics that most interest you.

Open Government

Open Government Training for School Directors is required by RCW 42.30.205: Training. School directors should take the training within 90 days of taking the oath of office and every four years thereafter. The course focuses on the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) and the Public Records Act (PRA). WSSDA hosts this 90-minute course taught by the Washington Attorney General’s office at its November Annual Conference. The training is also available online. Both the in-person and virtual versions provide a certificate of completion for you to retain as proof of completion.

Tribal Consultation

Tribal Consultation is required for some districts by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). These trainings are produced and delivered by OSPI’s Office of Native Education. School directors, superintendents, and any other staff at school districts that are required to perform tribal consultation under Title VI of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act must take and certify the completion of tribal consultation training.


Christine Najarro
Event and Branch Support Specialist