2024 WSSDA Annual Conference
November 21-23, 2023 | Bellevue, WA

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Application & Payment Process

  1. The application process for exhibitors and sponsors includes:
    1. Ensuring compliance with WSSDA’s Operating Policy 5400: Commercial Advertising.
    2. Upon confirmation of compliance with the above policy, applications are accepted on a first come, first-served basis upon selection and registration from the online booth map.
  2. Booth locations at the Spokane Convention Center include both premium booth spaces and the standard exhibit hall set-up. Foyer booths are located in high-traffic areas outside the general session room and breakout rooms.
  3. WSSDA will provide display space as indicated on the official floor plan, insofar as possible, but reserves the right to make any changes necessary.
  4. Space must be reserved and payment for exhibitor booths must be complete by Friday, September 27, 2024, for guaranteed inclusion in the conference program, website, and/or app.
  5. Refunds must be requested in writing to the WSSDA Registrar. A $500 cancellation fee will be deducted from all refunds made on or before July 31, 2024. No refunds will be given after this date.

Exhibitor Responsibilities

  1. Each exhibitor is responsible for shipping, receiving, setting up, disassembling, and shipping out his/her own exhibit. Failure to complete booth set up on time or disassembling your booth during approved setup and tear down times will result in a $250 penalty.
  2. Exhibits in the foyer spaces at the Spokane Convention Center are public spaces. The Spokane Convention Center locks the building at night, but exhibitors are responsible for their own materials.
  3. An exhibitor may not sublet or divide his/her space without permission of the conference director.
  4. Exhibitors are prohibited from unauthorized distribution of materials of any kind that support, promote the interests of, or solicit for any entity or individual, including the exhibitor, at any WSSDA-sponsored event or in any WSSDA conference facility utilized by WSSDA for such events. Such unauthorized distribution may result in revocation of the credentials that allow the exhibitor to attend the event and/or barring of that exhibitor’s attendance at future WSSDA-sponsored events.
  5. Marring, tacking, or in any way defacing the building walls or pillars is not permitted. Exhibitors are responsible to WSSDA for any damage done by the exhibitor to the property.
  6. Exhibitors are prohibited from operating noise-creating devices such as bells, horns, or amplifying systems which interfere with other displays. Equipment will only be permitted if tuned to conversational level and is not objectionable to neighboring exhibitors.
  7. Exhibitors will conduct themselves in a professional manner. Any complaints received by conference management from attendees or other exhibitors may result in prohibition of that exhibitor from participating in future WSSDA conferences.
  8. Exhibitors must follow all posted health and safety measures required by the facility, WSSDA, and/or the Washington State Governor’s Office.
  9. The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arising out of injury or damage to exhibitors’ displays, equipment, and other material brought upon the premises of the Spokane Convention Center and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Washington State School Directors’ Association, the Spokane Convention Center, and any authorized representative, agent, or employee of the foregoing of any and all losses, damages, and claims.
  10. WSSDA requires that all exhibitors carry commercial general liability insurance in the amount of not less than $1 million per occurrence, industrial insurance in compliance with Chapter 51, RCW, and other insurance protecting itself against claims arising from its performance. Exhibitors shall name WSSDA as an additional insured on its general commercial liability insurance and provide WSSDA with evidence of such.
  11. Removal and/or storage of empty crates or other containers shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor. Decorator will transport crates and containers for storage during the show, provided such containers are unpacked during decorator hours published in the decorator’s exhibitor kit. There are no storage facilities for crates and other containers in any part of the Spokane Convention Center, and storage in hallways or corridors will not be permitted.
  12. The Exhibitor Rules and Regulations are part of the reservation and contract for exhibit space between the Washington State School Directors’ Association and the exhibiting firm. By submitting a reservation, exhibitors agree to abide by these rules and regulations.

WSSDA Responsibilities

  1. WSSDA will provide a draped 6-foot table, two chairs, and a 7” x 44” black and white identification sign without additional charge for all booths. Additional supplies (internet hard line, power, other furniture, special lights, etc.) can be obtained at exhibitor’s expense from the decorating contractor, and/or the Spokane Convention Center. Exhibitor kits will be sent directly from the decorator.
  2. WSSDA reserves the right to remove any exhibit that may detract from the general character of the conference or fails to comply with the conference or facility rules and regulations or with WSSDA’s policies.
  3. Matters not covered in the rules and regulations are subject to the decision of the conference director.
  4. WSSDA cannot exclude vendors on the basis of like product. Every effort will be made to distance competing companies, but this is not guaranteed. All exhibitors are expected to behave professionally toward all other exhibitors at all times.
  5. WSSDA, in its discretion, shall have the right to postpone or cancel the conference and exhibit areas, and shall be liable in no way to the exhibitor for losses resulting from such delay or cancelation. WSSDA will not be liable for the fulfillment of this contract as to the delivery of exhibit space if nondelivery is due to any of the following causes: the facility being damaged or destroyed by fire, act of God, public enemy, war or insurrections, strikes, the authority of the law, postponement or cancellation of the exposition, or for any cause beyond its control. Under such circumstances, WSSDA agrees to refund payments received.