WSSDA’s legislative positions are organized into the five categories listed below. This page provides resources related to each.
Programs and instruction for every student, every day.
- Washington’s Basic Education Act (RCW 28A.150.210)
- State K-12 Learning Standards and Assessments
- High School Graduation Requirements
- Requirements Overview (SBE)
- Graduation Toolkit (OSPI)
- Competency-Based Crediting Implementation Guide for School Districts (SBE)
Strong and supported educators.
- Educator Certification (OSPI)
- Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB)
- Washington Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (WACTE)
Capital Facilities and School Construction
Sufficient, safe, & healthy facilities for learning.
Funding and Allocations
Ample, dependable, student-centered.
Locally responsive, strong and supportive systems, community connected.
- Open Public Meetings Act Requirements: Guide for School Boards (RCW 42.30)
- RCW 28A (Common School Provisions governing all public schools in Washington)
- RCW 28A.320 (Provisions Applicable to All Districts)
- RCW 28A.343 (School Director Districts)
- RCW 28A.345 (WSSDA)
- RCW 42.56 (Public Records Act)
Additional Resources
- Legislative Session Outreach Strategies & Legislative Resources (WSSDA)
- Legislative and Congressional District Finder
- Championing Public Education: A Toolkit for Legislative Impact (WSSDA)
Washington State Legislature
- State House of Representatives
- House Education Committee
- House Appropriations Committee
- House Capital Budget Committee
- State Senate
- Senate Education Committee
- Senate Ways and Means Committee
- Legislative District Finder
- Session & Committee Meeting Calendars
- Bill Cutoff Calendar
U.S. Congress
- U.S. House of Representatives
- U.S. House Education Committee
- U.S. House Appropriations Committee
- U.S. House Ways & Means Committee
- U.S. House Committee Meeting Calendar
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee
- U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee
- U.S. Senate – Committee Meeting Schedule
- Congressional District Finder