The legislative and permanent positions, together with the bylaws and operating policies, form the governing foundations of WSSDA.

Washington’s 1477 school directors are all members of the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA). Through democratic processes that occur via the assembly of school board members annually, two types of positions are established for WSSDA. These positions, combined with WSSDA’s legislative priorities, form WSSDA’s advocacy platform. See our “engagement cycle” graphic to learn how the platform is built.

Two Types of Positions

Permanent Positions

These positions represent WSSDA’s beliefs and values and indicate WSSDA’s stance on issues of widespread concern for its membership. The permanent positions are advisory to individual school boards and the greater community. Learn more…

Legislative Positions

Legislative positions are WSSDA’s call to action directed at the state Legislature. These member-ratified positions define and direct the work of WSSDA’s staff as they engage with legislators in Olympia to support public education. Learn more…

Updated Annually

Each spring, school directors have the opportunity to “spruce up” WSSDA’s advocacy platform. WSSDA’s platform consists of legislative and permanent positions. To keep the platform relevant and effective, all school board members are encouraged to first review WSSDA’s positions before proposing revisions or additions to the platform.

What’s the process?

Currently, WSSDA has more than 200 positions that have been adopted by its membership, which consists of all 1,477 school directors statewide. When the platform revision window opens, WSSDA gives school boards an online form to submit recommendations, if they have any. The recommendations that emerge from the “spring cleaning” of positions are studied by WSSDA’s Legislative and Resolutions committees and then put in front of members for a vote at the WSSDA General Assembly. The assembly takes place each fall.

Video Overview

Below is an overview of the platform, how to find and interact with it online, and how school boards can participate in revising the platform. These are the presentation slides.

WSSDA's Platform
Recorded February 2024.

Platform Revision Timeline for 2024

School boards regularly discuss WSSDA positions and consider proposing a revision to WSSDA’s advocacy platform when the window opens in April.

School boards take action at a board meeting to finalize and approve any proposal they intend to submit.

Explanation of the platform revision process during Leg Rep Network webinars.

Window opens for WSSDA platform revision proposals.

Window closes for WSSDA platform revision proposals.

Staff organize and forward proposals to the appropriate standing committee.

Legislative and Resolutions Committees review proposals.

First Draft of General Assembly Handbook Published Online

Amendment Proposal Window Opens

Amendment Proposal Window Closes

Informal Conference Committee Meetings (scheduled if necessary)

Final General Assembly Handbook Published Online

General Assembly, where boards vote on proposals to revise WSSDA’s platform.

Boards review revised platform and prioritize WSSDA positions.

Legislative priorities announced.

Share priorities with legislators.

First day of legislative session. Incorporate WSSDA positions and priorities into your advocacy.