About the Event
General Assembly is one of the most important school board events of the year. By voting on legislative and permanent positions, the assembly is where school directors update WSSDA’s advocacy platform. Once all voting is finished and positions adopted, the platform that results will guide all of WSSDA’s advocacy efforts until the next assembly.
Tentative Dates: September 19-20, 2025
The 2025 assembly will be a fully virtual event.
Who Should Come?
All school boards are strongly encouraged to participate. District staff and student board representatives are also welcome, but only school directors may address the assembly and vote per WSSDA policy 1290 and procedure 1290P.
Vote as a Board
Each school board in the state can appoint one of its members to cast a vote on behalf of their school board. While some boards may select their “leg rep” or board chair, the ability to vote can go to anyone on a board and even transfer to another board member during the event to ensure that board’s ability to continue participating in the assembly. So, while the entire board may participate, only one member may cast a vote on any given proposal.
Platform Revision Timeline for 2025*
Planning and preparation for 2025 have only just begun. Specific details will be added below as the process moves forward.
- January – December
School boards regularly discuss WSSDA positions and consider proposing a revision to WSSDA’s advocacy platform when the window opens in April. - February
Explanation of the platform revision process during Leg Rep Network webinars. - March – April
School boards take action at a board meeting to finalize and approve any proposal they intend to submit. Use the proposal checklist to inform your actions. - April 1
Window opens for WSSDA platform revision proposals.- Proposal Checklist
- Proposal Form
- Who Can Submit a Proposal
- April 30 at 5 pm
Window closes for WSSDA platform revision proposals. - May – June
Staff organize and forward proposals to the appropriate standing committee. - May
Legislative and Resolutions Committees review proposals. - July 1
Pre-amendments version of the General Assembly handbook published online - August 1
Amendment proposal window opens - August 7
Amendment proposal window closes - August TBD
Informal conference committee meetings (scheduled if necessary) - August 19
Post amendments (final) version of General Assembly handbook posted online - Tentatively September 19 – 20
General Assembly, where boards vote on proposals to revise WSSDA’s platform. - Post-Assembly
Boards review revised platform and prioritize WSSDA positions. - October
Legislative priorities announced. - October – December
Begin sharing priorities with legislators. - January 2026
Incorporate WSSDA positions and priorities into your legislative session advocacy.