Every year, the WASA • WSSDA • WASBO Legislative Conference is your opportunity to hear updates on our shared legislative priorities, the current education budget and policy landscape, and how to effectively advocate for our collective needs.

Register for the January 11-12, 2025 Event

To register, school directors should go to the registration page and sign in with their email address and the password: LegConf2025!

Conference Highlights

  • Engaging breakout sessions tailored to enhance your knowledge of key educational issues.
  • Inspiring speakers to provide insights into advocacy skills.
  • Opportunities for your team to plan and collaborate effectively.


There are a limited number of rooms in the hotel block for the low rate of $139 per night. Reserve your room at the SeaTac Hilton & Convention Center now using this link: https://book.passkey.com/go/WASA2025.The room block will be open until filled or until December 28, 2024.

Follow-up Webinar

Following the conference, registrants will be invited to attend a mid-session webinar to refine our shared advocacy efforts for the end of the session.

Time on the Hill

As part of our strategy to repeatedly share a common message, districts will schedule time with legislators (in-person or virtual) throughout the legislative session. We are hopeful this approach will provide flexibility for your schedule and provide an on-going presence of education advocates.

2024 WASA WSSDA WASBO Legislative Conference – Full Recording

Olympia Capitol building.