Tips For a Great Presentation Experience

Get registered

  • Any board member or superintendent participating in the presentation must register as an attendee of the conference, pay the registration fee, and provide housing for themselves and their team.
  • Other presenters will receive a speaker’s pass to attend workshops and visit the exhibits for the presentation day only.
  • Presenters representing WSSDA’s educational partners are invited to join our attendees for lunch during the mid-day General Session.

Keep in communication

Prompt and complete communication ensures the conference and your presentation run smoothly.
  • Please forward the information we send you on to others involved in your session and respond as quickly as possible to requests from WSSDA.
  • The primary presenter or session contact you name in your proposal is responsible for:
    • Communicating with any co-presenter(s) regarding acceptance or rejection, deadlines and all other session details
    • Responding in a timely manner to inquiries and requests from WSSDA
    • Ensuring speaker information for the conference program is complete and accurate
    • Posting presentation materials on the conference website/app by TBD.

Get prepared before conference

Take time to plan, prepare and practice your presentation before conference.
  • If you are co-presenting, take time to practice together to ensure your presentation is polished.
  • Focus the language and content toward your primary audience: school board members and student board representatives.
  • Include clear take-aways and a call to action.
  • Consider creative ways to engage your attendees, such as interactive activities and instructional/informational materials.
  • Add a slide at the end of your presentation to remind attendees to complete a session evaluation.
  • Make your attendees happy by finishing on time. For one-hour sessions, plan for 50 minutes of content to allow time for questions. Practice ahead of time to ensure you can meet this timeframe.
  • Ensure your presentation content aligns with the description submitted with your session proposal so attendees won’t be disappointed.

Ensure on-site success

Give yourself plenty of time to get to your presentation room and gather your thoughts and materials on the presentation day.
  • Be sure you bring your own tablet or laptop computer, if needed, since these will not be provided.
  • Arrive at your session room at least 20 minutes before the start of your presentation to ensure that your equipment is set up and tested before attendees arrive.
  • Pre-load your materials to the conference app by the due date so attendees can access them electronically. If you bring handouts, ensure you have enough for all attendees (WSSDA can help you estimate this).
  • Greet attendees as they enter the room to create rapport and a friendly atmosphere.
  • Take time to ensure all attendees can see and hear your presentation.
    • Always use a microphone, even in a small room.
    • Repeat all questions so everyone in the room can hear them.
  • Use a timer to ensure you leave at least 5-10 minutes for the Q&A and evaluations.

Don’t forget the evaluations

Session evaluations are an important part of ensuring the conference meets attendees’ needs and improves every year.
  • Leave a few minutes for attendees to complete evaluations on the conference app – and encourage them to do so.
  • WSSDA will share your session evaluation rating and comments with you after conference, on request.