The roles and responsibilities of the WSSDA officers are challenging and rewarding. Below are general descriptions of what officers do.


The president presides over meetings of the board of directors. Between meetings, in consultation with the executive committee and executive director, the president is responsible for interpretation of WSSDA policy. The president’s duties include:

  1. Chairing meetings of the board of directors;
  2. Chairing meetings of the executive committee;
  3. Representing the association before other groups;
  4. Communicating to the membership;
  5. Serving as a voting delegate at the delegate assembly held during the annual convention of the National School Boards Association and at NSBA regional meetings;
  6. Presiding at the WSSDA Annual Conference;
  7. Assigning a board member to attend a standing committee, task force meeting or conference in the absence of the appointed board representative. The individual selected to attend a committee or task force meeting will be entitled to all the privileges of membership, including the right to vote; and
  8. Assigning WSSDA members with special expertise or interests to attend meetings or other educational organizations.


The president-elect is a member of the board’s executive committee and, when asked by the president, acts in his/her place as the recognized elected leader of WSSDA. In consultation with the president, the president-elect meets with representatives of other organizations, accepts speaking engagements, and represents WSSDA on major task forces and other groups addressing significant education policy issues. In the event that the president is unable to serve, the president-elect performs the duties of the president until the president is able to resume those duties.

The president-elect serves as board liaison to the WSSDA Resolutions Committee and is the chair of the WSSDA board’s finance committee. The president-elect serves as WSSDA’s second official voting delegate to the NSBA Annual Conference Delegate Assembly and the NSBA Pacific Region meetings. The president-elect typically participates in the NSBA Federal Relations Network or other NSBA events.

Vice president

The vice president is a member of the board’s executive committee. At the request of the president, they may represent WSSDA by attending conferences or meetings of other organizations, by speaking on behalf of WSSDA, or by participating in state task forces that address significant education policy. The vice president is also a member of the WSSDA Legislative Committee. In addition, the vice president may serve as a delegate or alternate delegate to the NSBA Annual Convention Delegate Assembly. They may also participate in NSBA’s Pacific Region meetings, Federal Relations Network Conference and Leadership Conference.