WSSDA’s policy manual review service is a cost-effective way to save your district a lot of staff time and reduce legal vulnerabilities caused by out-of-date policies.

Keeping your board’s policies current is challenging because changes in the law and recommended practices occur frequently. That means purposeful policy-making and revision is an ongoing task for school boards. WSSDA is here to help.

Our approach

Whether you request a review of your whole policy manual or just specific portions (defined below), we’ll perform the review in batches. This will give you “bite-sized chunks” that will make it easier for your board to consider revisions on an ongoing basis.

We’ll make every effort to time our delivery to match your district’s board meeting schedule so that you can take up consideration without delay. This systematic approach will reduce the time needed to complete the revision and adoption process.

What we’ll look for

A WSSDA policy consultant will analyze each and every one of your board’s policies and procedures by comparing them with WSSDA’s model policy manual. The policy consultant will identify the policies and procedures in your manual that are:

  • missing
  • needing updated language
  • needing legal references
  • needing management resources
  • needing cross references
  • obsolete

What you’ll get

After completing the review, our policy consultant will recommend as appropriate:

  • WSSDA model policies to address gaps in your manual
  • language in Microsoft Word “track changes” to update your policies and align them with language found in WSSDA’s model policy manual
  • deletion of policies or procedures that no longer align with Washington state’s K-12 legal framework

Additionally, the policy consultant will prepare comprehensive digital files of the recommendations for your board’s policy manual and be available to answer your questions until they are adopted.

The Full Manual or Quarter Manual Option

You can request a review of your whole policy manual or just a quarter of it. Due to their relative sizes, the quarters we offer are:

  • 0000,1000, 5000 series
  • 2000 series
  • 3000 series
  • 4000, 6000 series


District FTE Whole Manual Base Price* up to 24 Months Quarter Manual Base Price* over 12 Months
15,000 and up $12,000 $3500
5,000 – 14,999 $10,000 $3000
500 – 4,999 $8,000 $2500
Less than 500 $6,000 $2000

*For districts with 500 FTE or higher, if 1/3 of your policy manual is eight or more years out of date an additional $1,600 will be added to the base price for a full manual review or $400 for a quarter manual review. The added cost is due to the significant amount of additional time and labor necessary to complete the review.

If you’ve already decided to request our service, please fill out a request form to reserve your spot in the queue:

Staff Contacts

Kelsey Winters
Policy and Legal Services Specialist