Washington state’s 1,477 locally elected school board members are the Washington State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA). They are the “membership” of WSSDA. Elected to govern their own local districts, they, and WSSDA, have no regulatory authority over any other school board or district in the state.

WSSDA’s policy services are a cost-effective way for school districts, especially those without their own in-house legal counsel, to fulfill their obligations to the community while remaining in compliance with school law. WSSDA provides the following:

Model Policy

WSSDA offers subscription-based access to its model policy library to help Washington school districts stay current with legislation, legal decisions, and emerging issues. Learn more..

Policy & Legal News

Policy & Legal News is a digital magazine published four times a year. It is the primary vehicle through which WSSDA communicates important developments in school law and updates to its model policy library.

Policy Manual Review

This highly requested service helps boards keep their policies and procedures up to date with current law and rules governing K-12. Our staff can perform a policy manual review in chunks or in full.