Are you considering becoming a school board member? Or perhaps you’d just like to learn what school boards and individual school directors do. This is the place to get started.

What does a school board do?

School directors work together to oversee the school district. As a board, their primary responsibilities are:

  • Hire, supervise and evaluate the superintendent
  • Set the vision, mission and strategic goals for the district
  • Review, revise and adopt policies
  • Establish and oversee the budget
  • Serve as community representatives
  • Monitor the district’s progress towards its goals

Who are school directors?

Washington state’s public school districts are governed by publicly elected school boards. These board members—called “school directors”—are citizens just like you! They are parents and grandparents, young people and senior citizens, and diverse community members from all walks of life.

There is great value in diversity on a school board. Each member brings their varying experiences and backgrounds to inform good decision making with a spirit of teamwork.

School directors automatically become WSSDA members once they’re elected, and that means they are never alone in their role. Whether you’re a new or a veteran school director, your WSSDA membership makes you a part of a network of 1,477 individuals committed to the improvement of public education. WSSDA will be by your side to provide you with resources, trainings, events and other opportunities for professional development. WSSDA’s staff, a small but mighty team of 15, is dedicated to improving your experience and equipping you with the tools and knowledge to thrive in your role.

How to run for your local school board

The WA Secretary of State’s website provides guidance and resources to guide you through the process of determining what positions are up for election, whether you are eligible to run for office, and how to navigate the process. Additionally, each county provides information specific to your region. Look up the website address for your county.

Here’s how to get started:
  1. For information on how to file, check the Washington Secretary of State’s website under the Candidates tab, call (360) 902-4180 or (800) 448-4881, or email
  2. Find out which positions are up for election and verify that you are eligible to run for the office. You must be a registered voter and live within your school district boundaries. Some school director positions require that you live within a certain director area, so check to be sure you’re qualified. Your local county elections department or school district office can help verify that you are eligible.
  3. During filing week in May, candidates may file for an office online or in person at the local elections office.
  4. Be aware of state requirements for all candidates and elected officials to file a financial disclosure statement and report all campaign finances to the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC). Annual filing is required if elected. More information can be found at:

Virtual Candidate Workshops

If you have qualified as a school director candidate in Washington prior to the November general election, you are invited to join one of five free virtual candidate workshops offered in June during election year. Current school directors and superintendents are also invited to attend. The workshops are identical and topics will include:

  • Roles and responsibilities of school directors
  • The importance of the board-superintendent team
  • Meetings and the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA)
  • Live Q&A

What makes a great school board member?

View full 2023 flyerIllustration Courtesy of the Oregon School Boards Association

Newly Elected?

Staff contact

Heather Curl
Director of Leadership Development

Christine Najarro
Event and Branch Support Specialist