The Voice of School Directors pie chart
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Local, State, and Federal Advocacy

Advocacy can be defined as the active support of an idea or cause; especially the act of pleading or arguing for something.

To succeed requires year-round activity at the local, state, and federal levels. To help school boards plan accordingly, we’ve outlined the steps and timing for maximizing your efforts.

Local Actions

  • Learn about the interests, skills, and backgrounds of your fellow board members
  • Use data to inform your policy priorities and strategic planning process
  • Coordinate local outreach on state/federal legislative issues
  • Orient fellow board members to WSSDA positions
    • Engage fellow board members in the priority ranking process leading up to the General Assembly
    • Determine interest in and need for new and/or revised positions to submit during the spring submission window

State-level Actions

  • Expand lens as local board members to DA and state
  • Follow session happenings via WSSDA InSession
  • Make connections and increase sphere of influence
  • Identify common ground with other advocates
  • Thank your legislators for a job well done

Federal-level Actions

  • Join the Federal Relations Network
  • Develop relationships with your Congress members
  • Invite Congress members to visit your schools
  • Advocate using your real life experiences
  • Thank your Congress members for a job well done


School directors have an annual cycle of review and revision of WSSDA positions that are central to its platform. School board members are encouraged to learn about and participate in each phase pictured below.

Spring Winter and Fall Advocacy Chart