WSSDA’s Federal Relations Network (FRN) is a joint undertaking with the National School Boards’ Association (NSBA). It provides a communication network among NSBA, WSSDA government relations staff, and FRN members in each congressional district.

The WSSDA FRN actively supports the NSBA’s efforts to influence federal legislation by making regular contact with the Washington congressional delegation. This is done by sharing information, resources, and perspective regarding the impact of federal legislation on school districts. The WSSDA FRN also alerts NSBA and Washington’s members of Congress to state issues affecting education, particularly those related to the actions of the federal government.

Next year’s NSBA Advocacy Institute and Day on the Hill will be held on January 25-28, 2025.

2024 FRN Meeting Planner

As year-round advocates, FRN members:

  • Receive vital information concerning federal legislation and action
  • Develop WSSDA’s annual agenda of “Hot Topics” for advocacy in Washington DC
  • Establish and maintain relationships with members of Congress
  • Respond to NSBA calls to action

Coordinating Member Roster

FRN Coordinator Member Roster
Congressional District Coordinating Member Roster 1 Coordinating Member Roster 2
1 Sandy Hayes, Northshore SD VACANT
2 Charlotte Murray, Stanwood-Camano SD Jen Hirman, Everett SD TJ Heller, San Juan Island SD
3 Rob Perkins, Evergreen SD Rebecca Stillings, Rainier SD
4 Martha Rice, Yakima SD Larry Garcia, Mt. Adams SD
5 Cindy McMullen, Central Valley SD VACANT
6 Lisa Keating, Tacoma PS Karen Bolton, Bremerton SD
7 Sara Betnel, Shoreline SD VACANT
8 Danny Edwards, Riverview SD Mark Stuart, Lake Washington SD
9 Marnie Maraldo, Issaquah SD Luckisha Phillips, Federal Way SD
10 Lisa Keating, Tacoma PS VACANT