In an effort to be transparent, school boards should consider passing a resolution stating that the board has designated its newly elected or appointed school board directors to attend the WSSDA Annual Conference. This might particularly be helpful in the circumstance of a school district audit. However, there is no definitive legal requirement for school districts to adopt such a resolution and districts are encouraged to consult their own legal counsel with any questions or concerns.

Sample Resolution Text

“WHEREAS school directors are elected before but take office after the Annual Conference of the Washington State School Directors’ Association; and

“WHEREAS it is to the advantage of the District to have its directors and directors-elect attend the workshops and orientation programs at the Conference and to exchange ideas with school directors from elsewhere in the state;

“THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that those persons newly elected or appointed who have not yet been sworn in, to the (school district name) board of directors be designated to attend the Annual Conference of the Washington State School Directors’ Association, to be held [insert dates of WSSDA Annual Conference], as representatives of the district.

“Expenses of the representatives shall be paid by the district in amounts and in the manner permitted by the law and the directors and representatives shall make a conference report to the Board at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Board in January.”