Public Disclosure Information

WSSDA follows the Public Records Act regarding disclosure of its public records. Under state law, a public records request must include a reasonable description that would allow a WSSDA employee to locate the records.

How to File a Public Records Request

Submit a request by using this records request form or sending an email to or by calling (360) 252-3012.

Cost to Print Requested Records

Records will be provided in electronic format for download or for in-person review at our Olympia office at no cost. Please note that copying charges and postage may apply to paper copies or physical media copies (CD/DVD). If you prefer to review the records, please note this on your request.

Copy Rates

Photocopy $0.15 per page CD $0.12 each DVD $0.55 each
Photocopy $0.15 per page
CD $0.12 each
DVD $0.55 each



Hours of operation

8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday, excluding state holidays.