Board Support & Consulting
Outside of contract training, our staff are freely available by phone, email, online meeting software or conference calls. Just give us a call or email
Superintendent Evaluation
WSSDA provides proven superintendent evaluation instruments and processes to support boards in their responsibility to evaluate their superintendent and encourage professional growth.
Customized In-District Workshops and Retreats
Available upon request, in-district workshops and retreats are especially helpful when new members join the board or the team is ready to reach a new level of effectiveness.
Online Board Self-Assessment Tool
This free, research-based tool is the only instrument of its kind in the nation that supports continuous improvement for school boards. We encourage boards to use the board self-assessment in conjunction with the Washington School Board Standards and regular professional development.
Boards of Distinction
Boards from small, medium, and large districts are recognized for showing evidence of applying the Washington School Board Standards. One particularly strong applicant in each size category are also named Board of the Year. Learn more…
Board Boot Camp
“Boot camp” is designed to get new directors ready to fully participate as effective leaders and provide a refresher to experienced directors and superintendents.
Fee-based service
Equity Toolkit
Our educational equity resources can inform your district’s policy-making. We also convene or participate in meetings, conferences or events.
Our professional learning system designed for school directors that provides interactive learning experiences to support effective board governance.
Leadership WSSDA
Offered every other year, Leadership WSSDA will improve your expertise and leadership capacity, yielding positive impacts on your professional and personal lives.
Support for Student Board Representatives
Washington state is a national leader in student representation on school boards. Use WSSDA to gain insight into recruiting, onboarding, and supporting student board representatives. If you already have “student reps,” refer them to our Student Representatives Network where they can share experiences and collaborate on topics of interest to students.