WSSDA’s events and internal processes occur like seasons in a recurring cycle. Below are major events and opportunities for school directors with their approximate time of year. (Table can scroll side to side on small screens.)

Annual events
January – March January
  • Legislative Session
  • Legislative Conference
  • Federal Relations Networking Institute
  • Topical Trainings
  • Board Boot Camp
  • Legislative Session
  • Legislative Session
  • WSSDA Platform Revision Proposals
  • Topical Trainings
April – June April
  • WSSDA Platform Revision Proposals
  • Regional Meetings
  • Annual Conference Call for Presenters
  • Topical Trainings
  • Boards take Self-Assessment Survey
  • Regional Meetings
  • Annual Conference Call for Presenters
  • Topical Trainings
  • Boards take Self-Assessment Survey
  • Annual Conference Breakout Session Survey
July – September July
  • Boards take Self-Assessment Survey
  • General Assembly Handbook Review
  • Boards of Distinction Application
  • Amendment Proposals for General Assembly
  • General Assembly Handbook Review
  • General Assembly
  • WSSDA Position Prioritization
  • Boards of Distinction Application
  • Filing Window for WSSDA, ESD, SBE Elections
October – December October
  • WSSDA Position Prioritization
  • WSSDA, ESD, SBE Elections
  • Annual Conference
  • Law Conference
  • Board Boot Camp
  • No Regular Programming

Engagement Opportunities with WSSDA

Here are brief descriptions of everything in the table above:

As the largest gathering of education policymakers in the state, the WSSDA Annual Conference creates a unique opportunity for school directors to spend a few days learning from peers and other educational experts, and for board-superintendent teams to strengthen their own connections.

Each May, WSSDA puts out a call for presenters for its annual conference. School directors, board-superintendent teams, student leaders, educators, and subject-matter experts are invited to submit breakout session proposals each year.

After the call for presenters, school directors are invited to indicate which of the presentation proposals they would most want to see offered at WSSDA’s annual conference. The results of the survey inform decisions made by the Annual Conference Planning Committee (filled by school directors) in conjunction with WSSDA staff.

You’ll hear from trainers with school board experience as they cover the basics of board service and answer questions. When taken in-person, you’ll also connect with new board members from around the state while exploring scenarios you’re likely to encounter as a school director. Board Boot Camp is offered virtually, regionally, and at the WSSDA Annual Conference.

WSSDA’s Boards of Distinction program is about helping school boards govern successfully by aligning their efforts with the Washington School Board Standards. The application process functions as a professional development exercise by asking school boards to consider how their decisions, actions, and leadership has contributed to the success of their students.

WSSDA’s free, online board self-assessment survey is an easy-to-use tool that helps school boards assess and strengthen their performance in governing for improved student learning. Research-based and scientifically validated, the survey is based on the Washington School Board Standards. Boards are encouraged to take the survey annually, sometime during May through July.

WSSDA facilitates elections for itself plus the State Board of Education and educational service districts. Visit the elections page page for more information.

The filing and voting windows occur at the same time each year. The filing window opens September 1-16. Voting occurs October 1-16. Visit the elections page page for more information about WSSDA, ESD, or SBE elections.

The Federal Relations Network (FRN) provides a unique opportunity for local school board members to be engaged with their members of Congress. Each year, the FRN travels to Washington D.C. to meet with legislators and employees at federal agencies to advocate for improved laws, benefits, and services for public education. Any school director can join the FRN.

General Assembly is one of the most important school board events of the year. By voting on legislative and permanent positions, the assembly is where school directors update WSSDA’s advocacy platform.

Offered as one of the WSSDA pre-conference events, Law Conference is a can’t-miss learning opportunity tailored specifically to K-12 leaders. School directors and superintendents can learn about today’s legal landscape, including newly developing concerns and issues on the horizon. Speakers will help you identify pitfalls and minimize the risk of investigations and costly litigation in your district. The content of Law Conference changes according to the hot topics that emerge each year.

Every year, the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA), the Washngton State School Directors’ Association (WSSDA), and the Washington Association of School Business Officers (WASBO) hold a Legislative Conference for their members to hear updates on shared legislative priorities, the current education budget and policy landscape, and how to effectively advocate for our collective needs. The second day of the conference is spent visiting with legislators in Olympia.

The legislative session is included above simply because of its importance for school directors and public education. While it’s important to be active during the session, some of the most influential work is done before or afterwards. See how the legislative session is part of a yearlong WSSDA advocacy cycle.

The platform revision proposal window is for school boards to propose revisions to WSSDA’s platform. This annual exercise aims to make the platform as clear, concise, and relevant as possible so that school directors and WSSDA staff can be effective advocates.

WSSDA’s platform has positions relevant to every district size, urban or rural, east or west. The annual platform revision window and subsequent General Assembly, in which school boards vote on adopting proposals are every board’s opportunity to make its voice heard.

At WSSDA’s annual General Assembly, a voting delegate from each school board can weigh in on proposals that contribute to the refinement of WSSDA’s advocacy platform. Immediately following the assembly, school boards get to prioritize the WSSDA legislative positions most important to their districts.

Each spring, WSSDA hosts Regional Meetings in its 11 designated “Director Areas.” These gatherings are facilitated by WSSDA staff and the board member representing each region. They provide a platform for networking and discussing pertinent topics and information. Additionally, these meetings ensure that members receive comprehensive, accurate, and timely updates on education issues.

WSSDA offers a growing catalog of interactive learning experiences collectively named “OnBoard.” Topical trainings may include school district finance and budgeting, state and local funding, educational equity, and more.

Designed for both individual school directors and board-superintendent teams, OnBoard is a comprehensive learning system designed to help school directors provide visionary leadership and perform effective governance and strategic advocacy.