Students at Annual Conference

Students are the reason you serve as an education leader, and we encourage you to bring them with you to conference. Student registration rates are low to encourage their attendance. There are a variety of opportunities for them to learn, teach and inspire.

Bring your student board representatives

Student voice is increasingly recognized as an important part of school governance, and sessions that include students as participants are among the highest-rated. Here are some of the ways you can include that student perspective:

  • Encourage them to attend a pre-conference workshop, and go with them if possible.
  • Include them in your breakout presentation to share their unique perspective as students and give them a great experience as a presenter.
  • Look through the breakout session options when available and pick out some to attend together. Then talk about what takeaways you both had afterwards.
  • Students’ Dinner – Designed especially for students at conference, this dinner includes activities, dinner, and the chance to meet other student board representatives.

Recent Student Performers