Effective governance is one of three core functions of a school board, the other two being visionary leadership and strategic advocacy. WSSDA provides several resources, in addition to professional development, to help boards practice effective governance.
What is Effective Governance?
The most direct answer would be embodying the standards for board-superintendent teams and the standards for individual board members as described in the Washington School Board Standards. Meeting those research-based standards, requires self-reflection, learning, practice, and more actions by locally elected board members.
Here are just a few key resources that can help:
Open Public Meetings and Legal Resources
See our OPMA Guidebook and other legal publications to ensure you’re governing on firm legal ground in good faith with your community.
Superintendent Evaluation
School boards direct and hire only one employee: the superintendent. Setting clear expectations is critical, as is evaluating their performance with one of these superintendent evaluation models.
Washington School Board Standards
For teams and individuals, the standards spell out the benchmarks to aim for and indicators that will show you’ve met the mark.
Online Board Self-Assessment
This free board self-assessment survey is used by boards to reveal their strengths and opportunities for improvement. Taken annually, boards use it to reflect on accomplishments and set goals. The survey complements the other key tools for effective school district governance: professional development and the Washington School Board Standards.
Leading with Purpose: A Guidebook for Effective School Board Members
Leading with Purpose is designed to serve as a comprehensive resource for school directors throughout their journey, offering clear guidance, practical tools, and key insights.
School Funding FAQ
WSSDA designed the Public Schools Funding FAQ booklet to answer some of the most common questions in a simple, accessible, and easy-to-navigate way. Inside, you’ll find answers to 36 frequently asked questions and colorful, explanatory graphics that you can use as stand-alone resources for distribution.
Budgeting & Bargaining Manual
Produced with statewide input from hundreds of school board members, the Budgeting & Bargaining Manual describes the roles and responsibilities of school board members during collective bargaining. Get tips for communication, challenging situations, and learn the five phases of the annual budgeting and bargaining cycle.
Supporting Student Board Representatives
Washington state is a national leader in student representation on school boards. Use WSSDA to gain insight into recruiting, onboarding, and supporting student school board representatives. If you already have “student reps,” refer them to our Student Representatives Network where they can share experiences and collaborate on topics of interest to students.