The Washington School Board Standards provide a common framework for school board governance for local school boards and directors. The standards were established to encourage school boards and school directors to subscribe to high levels of professional and personal conduct and performance.
Developed by a WSSDA task force, approved by the WSSDA Board of Directors, and subsequently updated in 2023, these voluntary standards identify the elements of good governance and effective board leadership based on best practices and current research. They provide a shared understanding of what constitutes good governance and validate the importance of the school board’s role in ensuring student success.
One set of standards addresses the school board’s leadership role in governing and includes responsible governance, expectations for student learning, conditions for student and staff success, accountability and community engagement.
The other set addresses professional standards for individual school directors and includes values and ethical behavior, leadership, communication, growth and learning and accountability.
Also included is information on how the standards were developed and how they can be put into practice.
Washington School Board Standards (pdf)
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Staff Contacts
Heather Curl
Director of Leadership Development
Christine Najarro
Event and Branch Support Specialist