WSSDA’s elected bodies contain representatives from each of WSSDA’s 11 “Director Areas.” As school directors, knowing who represents you and what seats you can vote on and run for are determined by which WSSDA Director Area your school district falls into.

WSSDA’s elected bodies are:

Eligibility to Vote and Run

For President-elect

All currently-seated public school directors are eligible to vote and run for this position.

For Vice President

Eligibility to run for this position alternates between the eastern and western sides of the state for currently-seated public school directors. In even numbered years, candidates must be from the east. In odd numbered years, candidates must be from the west. All currently-seated public school directors can vote for vice president.

For WSSDA Board and Elected Committees

All currently-seated public school directors are eligible to vote and run for the positions that represent their director area.


Voting in WSSDA’s elections will occur annually from October 1-16. Voting is conducted via an anonymized, unique ballot link emailed to each public school director on file with WSSDA. If you’re a currently-seated public school board member, update your email address with WSSDA to ensure you’re sent a ballot.

Find your Director Area

If you need to find out what director area you are in, please visit our Director Areas page.

Director Area Election Pages

These pages display open positions and the slate of candidates during an election.