WSSDA News – Vacancy announcement for WSSDA Board Vice President

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Jan 29

Written by: Sean Duke
1/29/2019 9:34 AM  RssIcon

A special election will be held to fill the newly vacated vice president position on WSSDA’s board of directors. WSSDA Board Vice President Alex Ybarra from the Quincy School District resigned from his position on the WSSDA Board because he was appointed to serve in the state Legislature. 

Candidate application window open

With today’s announcement, the candidate application window is officially open until 4 p.m. February 12, 2019 for school directors from the eastern side of the Cascades. WSSDA’s Nominating Committee will review applications and invite any successful applicants to participate in a remote, online interview on February 20. Candidate statements and a portrait photo would be due that same day. The preliminary slate of candidates will be announced February 21. If you wish to run for vice president, please fill out this Candidate Application Form.

At-large candidates

A window for at-large candidates will open beginning February 21 and close on February 28. At-large candidates are those not identified through the application process or not advanced by the Nominating Committee.


The final slate of candidates will be announced March 1 with online voting to occur from March 21 until April 4 at 4 p.m. If there is no runoff, election results will be announced on April 5, 2019.


1/29 – 2/12 (4 PM) Candidate Application Window
2/20 Interviews 
2/21 Preliminary Slate of Candidates Announced
2/21 – 2/28 (4 PM)  At-large Candidate Window
3/1  Official Slate of Candidates Announced
3/21 – 4/4 (4 PM)  Voting Period 
4/5  Election Results Announced (if no runoff needed)
4/5 – 4/12 (4 PM)  Runoff Election Voting (if needed)
4/15  Election Results Announced (if runoff election was held)

Location: Blogs Parent Separator WSSDA News

Vacancy announcement for WSSDA Board Vice President

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  • Sean Duke
    Communications Officer