WSSDA News – WSSDA elects new board officers

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Oct 5

Written by: Sean Duke
10/5/2018 4:14 PM  RssIcon

Brenda Rogers and Alex YbarraAfter a month-long voting period, WSSDA members have elected a new vice president and president-elect. 

Brenda Rogers, a school director for the Bethel School District will fill the role of president-elect on WSSDA’s board. “I’m grateful for everyone’s trust in making me president-elect,” said Rogers. “Of course, it’s not about me, it’s about our leadership, committee members and staff, working together and working hard to maintain and grow a vibrant, effective organization that supports every school director in their quest to govern at the highest level.”  

Rogers already serves on the WSSDA board as the representative for Director Area 3. That spot will be filled by a vote of the Director Area 3 caucus at WSSDA’s Annual Conference in November. 

Director Area 7’s caucus will also choose a new representative because Alex Ybarra of the Quincy School District will become vice president. “I’m humbled to be elected,” said Ybarra. “I’ll do my best to apply all that I’ve learned from fellow directors to being an effective vice president.” 

In addition to the WSSDA board, there are several open positions on WSSDA committees that will be filled by voting at Annual Conference. Here is a full listing: 

Board of Director Representatives: Four officers and 12 director area representatives are elected to conduct the general governance of the association. Meetings are typically
held in January, April, June, August, September, and prior to and after Annual Conference in November. There are open positions in director areas 3, 5, 7, and 10.  

Legislative Committee: Twenty-four elected members and WSSDA’s vice president review and recommend positions on legislative issues. Members also serve as ex-officio members
of the Federal Relations Network. Meetings are typically held in January, February at the Legislative Conference, May, June, September prior to the Legislative Assembly and October. There are open positions in all director areas. 

Resolutions Committee: Twelve elected director area representatives and WSSDA’s president-elect review and recommend permanent association positions to be acted on at the annual Delegate Assembly. Meetings are typically held in March at WSSDA’s office building, September at Legislative Assembly and November at the WSSDA Annual Conference. There are open positions in director areas 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.  

Nominating Committee: Twelve elected director area representatives and WSSDA’s immediate past president, nominate candidates for officer positions and conduct elections at Annual Conference. Meetings are typically held in April, July, and November at the Annual Conference. There are open positions in director areas 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.  

Interscholastic Activities Committee: Twelve elected director area representatives and a WSSDA board liaison annually review and make recommendations on all proposals submitted to the Washington Interscholastic Association (WIAA) Representative Assembly. Members also meet with the WIAA executive director to review WIAA financial affairs, review the governance of the WIAA and make recommendations to the WSSDA Board of Directors on the WIAA and/or student interscholastic activities issues. Meetings are typically held in February, May, and November at the Annual Conference. There are open positions in director areas 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.  

To learn more, visit our Web pages for committees and director areas

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WSSDA elects new board officers

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  • Sean Duke
    Communications Officer