WSSDA News – WSSDA Publishes Annual Report for 2017

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May 2

Written by: Sean Duke
5/2/2018 9:32 AM  RssIcon


Annual Report CoverThe words “record,” “highest,” “first” and “new” are headlining the contents of WSSDA’s 2017 Annual Report. 

Completed each April, the report provides a fiscal snapshot of WSSDA’s financial state of health plus a listing of some of the past year’s highlights. 2017, it turns out, was a remarkable year, and not just because of three special legislative sessions and the passing of Engrossed House Bill 2242

Highlights of the year included record attendance at Annual Conference, licensing intellectual content to out of state associations for the first time, and the hiring of several new staff as their predecessors retired or took other positions. 

See all the highlights in the 2017 Annual Report.

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WSSDA Publishes Annual Report for 2017

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  • Sean Duke
    Communications Officer