WSSDA News – Embrace Your Influence—New WSSDA Board President Takes Office with New Theme

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Dec 1

Written by: Sean Duke
12/1/2017 9:19 AM  RssIcon

Marnie Maraldo Thinking back to her days in (several) schools, WSSDA’s new president of the board recalled doubting whether she’d ever become a significant enough person to participate in the arena of politics, much less become a leader. She didn’t see herself as being on track for that. Her hands were full just getting through school and onward to college.

But become a leader she has. Issaquah School Board Director Marnie Maraldo became the next president of the WSSDA Board of Directors at the conclusion of WSSDA’s annual conference in November.

“We all become school directors to make a difference in the lives of students,” said Maraldo. “But to be selected by my peers to take on this role is just amazing.”

About nine years ago, when she was a member of Issaquah’s PTSA, Maraldo recalled brainstorming with other parents about what an ideal school board member might be like. That was the moment her path to eight years of service as a school director was illuminated.

“Jody Mull turned to me and said ‘you could run,’” recalled Maraldo.

A single sentence of encouragement spoken to someone who never thought leadership was a possibility for herself. “It just makes me think of classrooms,” said Maraldo. “Everyday, teachers have the power to positively influence the trajectory of a student’s life with just a few words of encouragement.”

Looking ahead, WSSDA Board President Maraldo is eager to champion the work of the association’s leadership development branch. As WSSDA’s new mission statement says: “WSSDA builds leaders by empowering its members with tools, knowledge, and skills to govern with excellence and advocate for public education.”

Please join us in congratulating Director Maraldo!

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Embrace Your Influence—New WSSDA Board President Takes Office with New Theme

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    Communications Officer