WSSDA News – Book drive at Annual Conference for Spokane Valley youth

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Nov 9

Written by: Sean Duke
11/9/2018 11:52 AM  RssIcon

child with backpack of books
Students in the Spokane Valley are in for a literary treat. They’ll be receiving free books collected at WSSDA’s Annual Conference and distributed by the Greater Spokane Valley Rotary Club. “It’s a project that I will never give up unless I can’t do it anymore,” said Kay Bryant, the Rotary member behind the book drive.

Bryant is a former school board director. While in that role, she was inspired to run the book drive when she saw children crying as their mother told them she couldn’t afford any books from their school’s book fair. Being a Rotary member, she conceived the book drive as a solution for schools with high percentages of students on free and reduced lunch.

“What I’ve seen personally, is children hugging their books and can’t believe that is their book to keep and take home with them,” said Bryant. “I’ve seen the joy with laughter and smiles, and I’ve seen the tears in the eyes of children who have never had a book of their own.”

Conference attendees can find book collection bins near the registration table. The Rotary’s goal is to collect 500 brand new books by the end of the conference. Attendees who don’t bring a book with them can still participate. Hidden Springs Book Company will be onsite offering a 15% discount on all books purchased for the book drive!  

Bryant, with assistance from WSSDA Past President Cindy McMullen of Central Valley School District and WSSDA President-elect Aurora Flores of Manson School District, have worked together to give conference attendees the chance to bring tears of joy into the world. Bryant said that if anyone would like to experience that joy firsthand, they are welcome to be present when the Rotary Club delivers the books to students.

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Book drive at Annual Conference for Spokane Valley youth

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