Deadline Extended: Call for Presenters at the 2024 WSSDA Annual Conference

conference theme

The submission deadline for proposals has been extended to the close of business on June 3, 2024.

School directors, board-superintendent teams, student leaders, educators, and subject-matter experts are all invited to submit breakout session proposals to share their experiences and voices with conference attendees. Not every presenter has to be an “expert” or have all the solutions, as long as what is presented is relevant and informative for school boards. WSSDA encourages submissions that represent a diverse range of voices, concepts, and subject matter to provide a full menu of options for conference attendees.

A Description, Not a Final Product

Presentation proposals submitted are simply a description of a proposed session rather than a finished product with a complete slide deck. An outline and summary of what would be shared, plus indicating any co-presenters, are all that would be required at this time.

Would-be presenters are encouraged to review the conference theme and the various categories, or “strands,” that encompass some of the most important work of school boards. For more information and to access the submission form, visit the Call for Presenters webpage.