WSSDA News – January is School Board Recognition Month—Marking the New Year with a Proclamation from Gov. Inslee

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Jan 2

Written by: Sean Duke
1/2/2018 12:01 PM  RssIcon


decorative image for School Board Recognition MonthGovernor Jay Inslee has proclaimed January as School Board Recognition Month. This marks the 23rd year of the annual observance initiated by the National School Boards Association in 1995. 

The Washington State School Directors’ Association, Association of Educational Service Districts and the broader education community take time in January to honor board members from Washington’s 295 school districts and nine elected educational service district boards. 

“Through leadership and governance, Washington’s 1,477 school directors are building the future of public education in Washington state,” said WSSDA Executive Director Tim Garchow. “Not only do they fortify one of the pillars of our democracy—public education, they also shoulder responsibility for helping all of us realize the hopes and dreams we have for Washington’s youth.”

In total, Washington’s school directors govern districts serving 1.1 million students, with a combined annual budget of approximately $15 billion, employing about 120,000 people. This is a tremendous responsibility shouldered by our locally elected, school board members. As they navigate an array of complex educational and social issues, let us thank our school board members for their service, and for working toward a strong, equitable system of public education that supports all students.

Read the governor’s proclamation, which is also available in our toolkit for school districts.

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January is School Board Recognition Month—Marking the New Year with a Proclamation from Gov. Inslee

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  • Sean Duke
    Communications Officer