WSSDA News – Window Open Through April 30 for Submitting Legislative Position Proposals

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Apr 4

Written by: Sean Duke
4/4/2018 11:10 AM  RssIcon

call for proposalsOnce a year, the window for proposing legislative positions opens, and that time is now. All school directors are encouraged to review WSSDA’s legislative and permanent positions to determine if their district would like to submit a legislative position proposal. All legislative position proposals will be reviewed by WSSDA’s Legislative Committee, which will attach a “pass” or “no pass” recommendation to each one. The fate of each proposal will be determined by a vote of members who attend September’s Legislative Assembly. Submission forms, a timeline, and other resources are available on the Legislative Assembly page.

Two types of positions will be up for review at the assembly: new positions, and returning positions. As the name suggests, new legislative positions are those that are proposed for the first time. Returning legislative positions are those that have been voted on and accepted by members at Legislative Assembly one to three consecutive years previously. If a returning position is approved a fourth time, it becomes a standing position. Standing positions are essentially perpetual, and are not brought forward to the assembly unless the Legislative Committee recommends amendments, consolidation or even elimination. 

The Legislative Assembly is one of WSSDA’s most important events of the year, so school directors from every school district are strongly encouraged to attend. Last year’s assembly (photos) saw approximately 120 directors from 88 districts participate. District staff are also welcome to attend, but only school directors may address the assembly and vote. 

Location: Blogs Parent Separator WSSDA News

Window Open Through April 30 for Submitting Legislative Position Proposals

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  • Sean Duke
    Communications Officer