WSSDA News – Aurora Flores Becomes President-elect of WSSDA’s Board

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Oct 9

Written by: Sean Duke
10/9/2017 8:23 AM  RssIcon

On October 2nd,school board director and 6-year WSSDA board member, Aurora Flores, wascertified as the next WSSDA board president-elect

Flores hasbeen a school board director for 20 years in the Manson School District, overhalf of which she has served as her board’s legislative representative. Floresis currently vice president of WSSDA’s board and is a governor-appointed memberof the Professional Educators Standards Board. 

“I stronglybelieve that public schools with local control are still our best publiceducation option and this is why I’ve dedicated so many years to serving mylocal school district,” said Flores. “But I am humbled at being confirmed aspresident-elect on the board of the largest group of elected officials in thestate of Washington.”

As president-elect, Flores will be a memberof the WSSDA board’s executive committee, which is composed of the boardofficers (president, president-elect, vice president, past president) plus oneadditional WSSDA board member selected by the board.

The executive committee oversees the generalaffairs of WSSDA between meetings of the board of directors, advises theexecutive director on matters pertaining to the positions and policies of WSSDAand WSSDA’s plans established by the board of directors, and performs otherduties and exercises other powers as are prescribed by the board of directors.

There is one remaining WSSDA board officerposition, vice president, still up for election. Through October 20,association members are encouraged to cast their vote in the runoff election.School directors should have received voting instructions by email or regularmail if no email address was on file with WSSDA. For more information, pleasevisit our elections page.

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Aurora Flores Becomes President-elect of WSSDA’s Board

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