WSSDA News – Call for Annual Conference Proposals

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Apr 18

Written by: Sean Duke
4/18/2018 3:54 PM  RssIcon

student next to the conference theme, embrace your influenceThe call went out this afternoon for breakout session presentations for WSSDA’s 2018 Annual Conference. The theme for this year’s conference is “Embrace your Influence.” As described on the conference home page, school directors have the opportunity to exert influence through visionary leadership, effective governance, and strategic advocacy. Their influence touches everything from buildings and the people who work and learn inside them, to the surrounding community and other elected officials, all the way up to the federal level.

Potential presenters are asked to take this year’s theme into account as they craft their proposals. Additionally, presenters have been encouraged to propose sessions on student safety and well-being as a special area of focus. The window for submitting proposals will close on June 6. Visit our call for proposals page for more information.

The 2018 WSSDA Annual Conference will be held on November 14-17 in Spokane. Last year’s event set an attendance record, so please join us in November for what is sure to be a vibrant networking and professional learning experience.

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Call for Annual Conference Proposals

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  • Sean Duke
    Communications Officer