Building skilled leaders and effective school boards

School directors consistently report that WSSDA’s free board self-assessment survey, is “useful for goal setting” and “a great way to grow.”

“Results from the self-assessment help boards dig into the critical issues that can sometimes hold boards back. By examining how they rate their own performance, honest and productive conversations happen organically,” said Tricia Lubach, director of leadership development. “The results can also show where boards have responses that vary widely from each other. That creates a rare opportunity for conversations about where they are not on the same page and how to increase cohesiveness.”

Research-based and scientifically validated, the survey is based on the Washington School Board Standards. The self-assessment survey is easy to use and can be completed from any computer or mobile device in 15-20 minutes. Once completed, WSSDA provides a detailed report for distribution to the board-superintendent team.
For an even deeper experience, WSSDA can provide a facilitator for a guided analysis of the assessment results during a board workshop. Trainers can help the board-superintendent team interpret the results in order to establish goals and identify next steps to improve the team’s performance. 
To learn more or get started, board chairs or superintendents can email Leadership Development Coordinator Christine Najarro.