WSSDA News – Keynoters set for WSSDA Annual Conference

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Jul 17

Written by: Sean Duke
7/17/2018 11:33 PM  RssIcon

Three distinguished influencers have committed to speaking at WSSDA’s 2018 Annual Conference November 14-17. The WSSDA Annual Conference is the premier annual event for Washington’s school directors, student board representatives, and superintendents. “The theme for this year is ‘Embrace your influence’ and we hope the keynotes will inspire attendees to do exactly that,” said Colleen Miller, WSSDA’s director of leadership development.

The opening keynote will feature Marc Prensky. Prensky embraces the Power of 21st-century kids. He proposes teaching to their passions and structuring learning to make them better prepared to improve the world around them! Sounds like a win-win, right? Kids are engaged, kids learn, and they become prepared to navigate in the real world. You may be both challenged and inspired by this positive vision for the education and influence of the next generation. A former teacher, software game developer, and Broadway actor, Prensky is now best known as a speaker, author, and educational futurist who introduced the idea of “Digital Natives” to the world. He also founded and directs The Global Future Education Foundation and Institute.

On day two of Annual Conference, Dr. Fariba Alamdari will shed light on the question: “If I don’t believe in my diversity, why would anyone else?” Dr. Alamdari discovered the power of embracing her own diversity as an immigrant and a woman. She remained true to herself as she rose in her professional life: from professor to Dean, Head of Department and ultimately Professor of Air Transport Management at Cranfield University in England, then on to Vice President of Marketing and Value Analysis for Boeing. Along the way, she accessed some of her gender’s traits to gain cooperation and trust, while traits of ethnicity became an asset for innovation and understanding in a global economy. 

On the final day of the conference, we’ll hear from Washington’s own Mandy Manning. Manning teaches refugees and immigrants at Ferris High School in Spokane. Her passion for her students and their stories led to her becoming the 2018 Washington Teacher of the Year and 2018 National Teacher of the Year. English and math are the topics, while cooperation with others, acceptance of differences, and navigating American culture are the goals. The program she helped build and school policies she helped create have made a significant impact in her district.

Join us in November to hear these speakers and to network and learn with colleagues. Scores of breakout sessions will be offered to over 1,000 attendees. Visit the Annual Conference registration page to secure your spot.

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Keynoters set for WSSDA Annual Conference

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